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The U.M.E. Approach

Available only with Membership. This one course alone is the backbone of our whole parental focus and is worth several times more than our membership cost.

Here is the game changer you've been looking for. We break parenting down into three main action points that have worked time and time again to bring about positive change. Best of all, this is accomplished using your own style of parenting.

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You'll receive all of our account features like our Monthly Quick Link Newsletter, Instant Progress Save so you can jump back in where you left off and the freedom to not have to drive or physically attend a meeting... Plus

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    While we have great Let's T.A.L.K. Sessions & Courses in general; becoming a Complete Member includes access to our Parenting Lifestyle Courses like, "Parenting Beyond Divorce" and others soon to be available.

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    Everything is sent online including any bonus features, steps or outlines 24/7. Simply Join & sign in to begin discovering ways of increasing peace & productivity in your home as soon as today.

  • Parenting Summit Discount

    Annually, we hold a gathering of Top Minds directly involved in the field of parenting and pin them up against the top three issues for parents of children who are: New Borns, Under 10, Teenagers & Young Adults.

The Complete Monthly Membership

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    $7.95 / monthComplete Monthly Membership

    The Complete Membership Grants Access To The Let's T.A.L.K. Sessions Plus The U.M.E. Approach & Our Lifestyle Courses. Complete Membership Opens Access to All Areas and Benefits Available Including Any Discounts.
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