Divorce Entails Uncertainty... Not Failure

You're still capable of achieving your goals and You Still Hold the Cards. Learn from the miscalculations of others and create a better home for you & your loved ones.

  • What is Parenting?

    With Divorce now in the mix... Prep yourself for questions like how can I be the best version of myself for my kids?

  • Where Does The Damage Occur?

    Most people find it hard to deal with the issue of divorce but the real damage is not finding out how to handle it.

  • Gaining Access to Progress.

    Redefine what you need and want as well as the needs of your household. Take inventory for the future.

This is an available resource within our Complete Membership.

The Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • How to use this course

    • A Message From Your Instructor

  • 2

    Let's get started!

    • What is Parenting & it's Significance

    • Where Does The Damage Occur?

    • Begin Healing Through Admitting

    • Gather Resources & New Structures to Begin Creating Balance

    • Apply Ways of Assessing Progress

    • Explain Boundaries in…

    • Do Not Lose Focus

    • You Are...

  • 3

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats!

This is an available resource within our Complete Membership.

  • $7.95 / month

    $7.95 / monthComplete Monthly Membership

    Click the Join Today Button and sign up to gain instant access to this Resource and all our other available resources that are only available through Membership especially our Main Course, "The U.M.E. Approach" & our new Let's T.A.L.K. Mini-Series that is constantly updating every month.
    Join Today!

The U.M.E. Approach

Available only with Membership. This one course alone is the backbone of our whole parental focus and is worth several times more than our membership cost.

Here is the game changer you've been looking for. We break parenting down into three main action points that have worked time and time again to bring about positive change. Best of all, this is accomplished using your own style of parenting.

You're Not in This Alone.

Take the next step towards positive change.